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Subscribe to a premium service for 90 days and get a 30% discount

The Premium-Highlighted Profile

The Highlight feature places your profile against a blue background so it stands out from the crowd, also customers see a preview of your portfolio and a special button “Offer a Task” to offer the task immediately. All of these options increase the number of views of your profile at least 3x more than standard profiles.

$4.99 CAD/ 7 Days
Connect these two services together and rise above those who just pinned the profile
The Pinned Profile

Pin your profile above other taskers. You get 6x more views than standard profiles. The profile is pinned to the top of the list of taskers in the selected sections:

Pin in sections (5) per 7 days, $CAD
$19.96 CAD/ 7 Days
The Pinned Replies

Pin your replies above other replies on the tasks to which you responded. This significantly increases your chances of being hired to complete the task. Replies are pinned at the top of the list for the entire period of placement, even in those tasks to which you responded before the service was activated.

$4.99 CAD/ 7 Days
For 3 services$24.99 CAD/ 7 Days
Posting period
$24.95 every 7 daysWithout Discount
If you have any questions, please contact support directly